mercredi 14 janvier 2015

vidéo de la télé chinoise

lien vers une vidéo de la télé chinoise: Floriane Lemoine le pain du cœur ( avec un passage sur nous)


mardi 17 juin 2014

article de la région


 De futurs boulangers pâtissiers en Chine

De futurs boulangers pâtissiers en Chine
Des lycéens de Voreppe ont cuisiné avec des élèves chinois !
Ils y pensaient depuis trois ans ! Un groupe de seize élèves du lycée les Portes de Chartreuse à Voreppe en Isère a produit et vendu, en dehors des heures de cours, 250 000 macarons. Leur objectif : se constituer une cagnotte et partir en Chine pour un voyage professionnel et culturel. Ils sont parvenus à le financer en grande partie et grâce à différents soutiens dont celui de la Région Rhône-Alpes dans le cadre d’Eureka.
Du 20 avril au 2 mai, le petit groupe, accompagné de quatre enseignants, a découvert Shanghai, avec l’Institut Paul Bocuse, puis Pékin pour un périple culturel mais aussi très pro. Ils ont ainsi travaillé avec les jeunes de l’Ecole Shanghai Young Bakers qui forme les jeunes chinois défavorisés. « Nous avons cuisiné ensemble. Ils nous ont montré leurs techniques » racontent les lycéens isérois. Ils ont confectionné leur sorbet fraise basilic accompagné de l’éclair au chocolat gingembre tandis que les Chinois préparaient leur pain au surimi et les ravioles !

lien vers le site et l'article de la région

présentation du voyage

le vendredi 20 juin à 18heures

Soirée spéciale « Chine »

Venez découvrir nos photos et vidéos, en apprendre plus sur le séjour, déguster nos productions et des raviolis chinois…

nous vous attendons
au lycée Les Portes de Chartreuse, au restaurant d’application

samedi 17 mai 2014

article de YoungBakers


50 Years of Friendship


When I introduce Shanghai Young Bakers to new volunteers or potential partners, I’m often asked: “So, is your program a French or Chinese one?” I always find this question hard to answer: SYB was started by a team of 12 French volunteers, is supported by a network of social-minded French companies such as Carrefour, Accor or Lesaffre, and aims at teaching French bakery and pastry to underprivileged youth. As I’m from France myself people often deduce that a program managed by a French has to be French!

However it’s not that simple an equation. First of all our program’s mission is to serve underprivileged Chinese youth, and most of our team, including all our teachers, is now Chinese. In addition, SYB is part of Chiheng Foundation, a charity program officially registered in Hong Kong.

Therefore I like to think that we are a hybrid program, and that we contribute, on our own scale, to strengthening the bridge between France and China. The founders of SYB chose French bakery and pastry as the foundation of our vocational training because there was a very strong demand from Chinese customers to enjoy these kind of products, and an important lack of qualified staff in that field for hotels and bakeries in China. Besides, they were aware that there are French companies working in China that were willing to share their resources so that to contribute to the improvement of career prospects for disadvantaged Chinese youth.

2014 is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and China. I believe that Shanghai Young Bakers, by uniting individuals and companies sharing a passion for French bakery as well as a common concern for the empowerment of young Chinese, is a beautiful and meaningful embodiment of that friendship. This newsletter is full of proofs that this friendship is well and alive, from the visit to Institut Paul Bocuse to learn about French cuisine to the Young Bakers teaching Chinese bakery to French bakery students! Long live the friendship  indeed…
By Floriane Lemoine, SYB program manager
New website!
SYB students invited to visit Lesaffre Yeast Factory in Mingguang! 

On April the 13th, Shanghai Young Bakers students took the bus to the sunny province of Anhui where they were kindly invited to visit the Yeast Factory of Lesaffre in Mingguang. Read more...
Long Live the Friendship: French Young Bakers and Chinese Young Bakers Shared Bakery Skills

On April 22nd and 23rd, the 50th anniversary of the Sino-French friendship was celebrated in a beautiful way at SYB baking center:16 French students taught 14 Chinese students how to bake French bread and pastries, and the latter showed them everything they knew about Chinese bakery! Read more…
Join SYB next pastry class and learn how to bake macaroons and lemon pies! On May 24th, you will have the opportunity to learn everything about the secrets of the most famous icons of French pastry: macaroon and meringue lemon pie! Read more...

Stories of 3 Young Bakers from Plan International
Shanghai Young Bakers cooperates with many charity programs around China, among which is Plan International. It was through Plan International that Wang, Wu and Han got to know SYB and became young bakers. Read more...
A Fun English Class with Stepping Stones Volunteers

On March 20th, three volunteers came to SYB baking center and taught the students English. These volunteers are from Stepping Stones, a partner NGO with a mission to improve the education and general welfare of disadvantaged children in China. Read more...
From French Baking to French Cooking: SYB students trained by the Restaurant Ecole Paul Bocuse students!

On April the 1st, Shanghai Young Bakers students were invited to the Restaurant Ecole Institut Paul Bocuse for an exceptional French Cooking class. Read more...
A very special pastry class…for the wedding of Céline, 1st program manager of SYB!

Life is full of magical moments, moments that you would like to share with your family, friends and people you love. Marriage belongs to one of those special moments… Celine, the first program manager of Shanghai Young Bakers, decided to share this moment with her family but also include SYB in this special day. Read more...

Follow Us

"Give an orphan some bread; you feed him for the day.
Teach him to bake; you feed him for a lifetime!"
Contact us
Copyright © 2014 Shanghai Young Bakers, All rights reserved.

enfin beaucoup plus de photos!!!!

le temps de récupérer toutes les photos, de la fatigue et du décalage et voilà...

Pour découvrir plus de photos, de vidéos, vous raconter notre séjour, déguster les productions faites en Chine et des raviolis Chinois,... nous organisons un petit bilan convivial le vendredi 20juin au Lycée les portes de chartreuse au restaurant d’application à 18h00

dimanche 20 avril et lundi 21 avril arrivée en CHINE

 arrivée sur Paris

 à Paris en attente du vol pour Shanghai

 on fête même les anniversaires en voyage!!!!

 pour l'instant on ne dort pas

 on est arrivé, on a passé la douane...avec le sourire

 et c'est parti pour 12 jours de repas chinois!!!!!avec les on est devenu bon

on n'allait pas le laisser tout seul sur la photo!!!!

mardi 22 avril ...youngbakers Shanghai

 1ère journée en Chine et à Youngbakers un moment très fort qui restera dans les mémoires

 et oui la télé est là

 le déjeuner